速報APP / 商業 / WebKAKU (webpage renewal check applicati

WebKAKU (webpage renewal check applicati


檔案大小:557.6 KB

版本需求:需要 iOS 3.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


WebKAKU (webpage renewal check application)(圖1)-速報App

WebKAKU is the application that enables corporate information system department and/or system administrators to efficiently check the latest updates of their test site or technical information site.

Is a lot of time spent to check the latest information on each of many websites on your work or hobby?

With WebKAKU, you can check even several pages registered only by one button.

(WebKAKU is unfit for some well-known sites with many advertisements since WebKAKU regards the ads which change every time you open the sites as those “renewed”. Please use RSS to check those sites.)

[Major functions]

WebKAKU can;

- check renewals of all registered web pages only by one button (by tapping “renewal check” button) and show them;

- show the renewed web pages within the application (you can open them even on Safari);

WebKAKU (webpage renewal check application)(圖2)-速報App

- edit registered web pages, and

- check renewal history.

[How to use]

Display an arbitrary webpage on a browser (tap the globe icon in upper left on a top page), and add it to a list by tapping "+" button. By tapping "renewal check" button on the list view, WebKAKU checks page renewals.


- This application program acquires information on specified URL, and compares whether to be updated with last information.

- Please note that neither the image nor the script called in HTML become the object of comparisons.

- Pages with, for instance, banner advertising, which changes its display every time you open them, may be regarded as those renewed.

WebKAKU (webpage renewal check application)(圖3)-速報App

- History of the renewals does not show the times and dates of webpage renewals, but those of "renewal checks by WebKAKU".

- The application may not work properly due to some status of the registered pages.


- WebKAKU is produced by modulat inc. that protect corporate IT (JASDAQ 3043). Please search by “modulat”!

- Please ask us to support and create applications! For more information please contact us: apple_dev@modulat.com

- Our clients may also contact our sales representatives.


- This software is subject to change, stop to open to the public, etc. without notice. We do not take any responsibility for any loss or damages caused by them.

WebKAKU (webpage renewal check application)(圖4)-速報App

- We do not take any responsibility for any loss, damages or prejudice caused by use of this software. Please use the software on your own responsibility.

- In the future, you may not use the software, or there may be troubles due to some spec change by Apple Inc., which we do not take any responsibility for.

WebKAKU (webpage renewal check application)(圖5)-速報App
